Forced Arbitration
Public Citizen filed a lawsuit against Amtrak challenging the legality of imposing an arbitration provision on its riders as a condition of passage. The arbitration provision, introduced in 2019, states that it “is intended to be as broad as legally possible” applying to “all claims, disputes, or controversies, past, present, or future” for any rider.…
Read MoreVisitors of this website are likely familiar with the power and pervasiveness of forced arbitration clauses. Employers and businesses routinely put clauses into the fine-print of boilerplate contracts that deprive consumers and employees of their right to go to court and instead force their claims to be decided in a secret arbitration proceeding. Often class…
Read More“Given the popularity of small banks and credit unions — which are among the very few financial institutions consumers view favorably — it’s no wonder the bigger banks want lawmakers to think they’re ideologically aligned with the little guy. But the truth is far different.” Read more of Paul Bland, executive director at Public Justice here on how Big…
Read MoreFor hearing location and details, visit here: For the CFPB Study Fact Sheet see here. The report is released at 8:00 a.m. EST here. For Citizen Works’ Fair Contracts take, see Bob Sullivan at here. For a report by the New York Times on how forced arbitration hurts service members, see here. Some highlights…
Read MoreSpooky: What lurks in the fine print of your credit cards! It’s Halloween and what lurks in the fine print of your credit card agreements can be downright spooky — and harmful to your consumer rights. Jeanine Skowronski interviews Theresa Amato, Paul Bland, Ira Rheingold, and others in The Hidden Risks in Your Credit Card’s…
Read MoreGeneral Mills Apologizes and Retreats on Forced Arbitration Change in Terms A Victory for Consumers Other Corporate General Counsels Take Note! General Mills listened to consumers and backed down from its ill-advised, overreaching change in fine print terms that would have been used to deprive consumers of their rights if they engaged online with General…
Read MoreConsumer Contracts Should Not Be Secrets The Hill‘s Congress Blog published here Professor Jeff Sovern and Theresa Amato’s description of their multi-hour odyssey to obtain the full terms of one credit card contract without having to apply for the card. Imagine what would be required to obtain several sets of terms to be able to…
Read MoreRadio Show Host Tim Danahey at The Tim Danahey Show, invites Theresa Amato to talk about the provisions corporate lawyers insert into the fine print to take away consumer rights when we sign, click or “agree.” Hear the February 24 program here at
Read MoreSenator Franken Holds Advisory Hearing on Americans’ Dwindling Right to Their Day in Court On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, at 2:30 p.m., Senator Franken will hold an advisory hearing on the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2013. This may be one of the most important consumer protection bills in Congress as it would restore the rights…
Read MoreCFPB Releases Preliminary Arbitration Study Results Today at a field hearing in Dallas, TX, Director Cordray made remarks explaining the preliminary results of an arbitration study conducted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. The hearing is posted at the CFPB’s website
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