Scholars Take Action

Are you a professor or scholar interested in or researching, writing, and/or advocating

about fair, accessible and understandable contracts?


Steps you can take today:

1)  If you are interested in receiving information about round tables, professional discussions, alerts, and other information designed for those working in this field, please email your interest to Theresa [at], with “contract scholar” in the subject line;

2)  Please send to us links to your published research and writing, or ideas you have for research or writing that should be undertaken by others;

3)  Please encourage your schools, journals or organizations to host fair contracts symposia to discuss issues relevant to making contracts fair, accessible, and understandable.  Feel free to contact us for suggestions for speakers or to include yourself among potential invitees for these types of events;

4)  If you are interested in mentoring the internship or summer work of college or graduate level students (usually law, economics, or public policy students), please send an email as in step one above and indicate your specific interest;

5)  If you would be interested in testifying at state or congressional hearings, please let us know about your work and interest; and

6)  Please help us to improve this site with suggestions for items to post, guest writings suitable for the site, corrections, addendums, and material of interest/relevance.

Thank you!