
Your privacy is very important to us. does not automatically collect personal information. If you choose to give us your name, address, phone number, or issues of interest, we may store this information to keep you posted on relevant activities.

Except as noted below, we do not enable cookies or use other software or hardware techniques to collect personal information on visitors to our site without their knowledge. However, the use of session cookies to track user sessions, even for anonymous visitors, is integral to the functioning of our online content management system. We log IP addresses, or the location of your computer or network on the Internet, for systems administration and troubleshooting purposes. We also use IP addresses in the aggregate to track which pages people visit in order to improve the quality of the site. We do not use these data to develop profiles of individual visitors to our Web site. There is no personal information collected in our automated log files. We evaluate site usage by analyzing user information in the aggregate, but this analysis does not identify any individual user.

When you contact us for information or share your stories with us: We maintain some records of individuals who contact us for information in case we need to contact them later or provide further information. However, we do not provide this information to anyone else unless you give us your permission or unless disclosure is compelled by law. Individual information about website visitors, including e-mail addresses, is never shared with third parties.

When you sign up for one of our mailing lists: If you provide an email address or other information in order to receive updates or news about our activities, we use this information to notify you about issues and opportunities. If you change your mind at any time, you can always remove your name from our email list. In the event you wish to update or delete an email address that you have provided to us, please contact us to make those changes.

When you contribute money online: If you choose to contribute to through Citizen Works or otherwise make a charitable contribution, we use the information collected from you to process payments. Personal information may be shared with third party service providers (e.g. merchant banks) during this process. Your contact information will be added to our donor list, which is occasionally exchanged or rented to other organizations. You may opt out of list disclosures by contacting us.