Contracts Law Professors Blog Symposium on Wrap Contracts, Foundations and Ramifications

Contracts Law Professors Blog Symposium on

Wrap Contracts, Foundations and Ramifications

Can you be bound to a contract just by visiting a website?  Without you even knowing it?  Yes, you can. 

Find out how and why.  Today we submitted a piece to the Contracts Law Professors Blog Symposium on “Wrap Contracts” or all the browsewrap, clickwrap, tapwrap and boilerplate/terms of use one finds online. 

Wrap Contracts

Professor Nancy S. Kim, the author of Wrap Contracts, Foundations and Ramifications has done a valuable service to everyone by explaining how consumer rights are infringed and how courts are giving corporations a judicial pass by equating and substituting notice for consent.   Professor Kim’s terrific book proposes some solutions and we should all take note of how these contracts can strip mine consumers of their rights and steal our property, i.e. images, content, personal information, as well as our privacy.

We call the aggressively rights-reducing and “crook” provisions of online boilerplate “online asbestos.”  Read our comments and those from other professors at the Contracts Law Prof Blog.