Comedian John Oliver earlier this month delivered an epic rant on net neutrality and cable companies controlling the FCC that culminated in an exhortation for Internet “monsters,” amongst others, to direct their rage by sending comments to the FCC. Though he called it “cable company f*ckery,” at about minute ten he notes how the fine…
Read MoreCan You Lose Your Ability to Take Another Job in Your Industry in the Fine Print? Yes. Veteran consumer reporter Bob Sullivan explains the hazards of signing away your livelihood potential for some period of time in the “non-compete” clauses of the fine print. The New York Times wrote and editorialized about these this week. …
Read MoreBanking on the Fine Print — House Briefing, June 10, 2014 Public Citizen, Public Justice, NACA, AARP, and Citizen Works presented at a briefing, hosted by U.S. Representative Hank Johnson, on H.R. 4734, a bill labeled as the “Bureau Arbitration Fairness Act.” The bill should not to be confused with the Arbitration Fairness Act Rep. Johnson…
Read MoreThe Social Network Show on KDWN Presents Professor Nancy Kim on Wrap Contracts Listen to Professor Nancy S. Kim, author of Wrap Contracts, discuss here on this May 4, 2014 KDWN clip on what can be done to design better online contracts.
Read MoreHow much money are airlines making from your unused, nonrefundable tickets? They won’t say. So far, the Department of Transportation is not making them say. Today Joe Sharkey reports in the New York Times here about our quest for information about how much money the airlines make off of passengers’ unused, nonrefundable tickets. For more…
Read MoreGeneral Mills Apologizes and Retreats on Forced Arbitration Change in Terms A Victory for Consumers Other Corporate General Counsels Take Note! General Mills listened to consumers and backed down from its ill-advised, overreaching change in fine print terms that would have been used to deprive consumers of their rights if they engaged online with General…
Read MoreWhich Senator Will Hold the Next Hearing to Ask the General Counsel of General Mills to Explain Its Outrageous New Fine Print? General Mills says that if you so much as visit its website or use one of its coupons you must give up your rights to take them to court should anything go wrong…
Read MoreRalph Nader Discusses Fair Contracts on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour 4.14.14 Ralph Nader discusses how people are “peons” in a feudal system as they are forced into contract servitude by large corporations wielding unfair fine print contracts. The portion on fair contracts and the fine print runs from the twenty minute mark, here. …
Read MoreThe Strip Mining of Legal Rights, Ralph Nader & Theresa Amato in Trial Magazine April 2014 Trial magazine has published a piece by Ralph Nader and Theresa Amato about how contract law cannibilizes tort law and the hazards posed for people in fine print contracts. See pdf of magazine spread in color attached below or…
Read MoreMaking the Fine Print Fair Conference on 4/4/14 Livestream Fair Contracts thanks our co-hosts the Georgetown Consumer Law Society, and all the speakers, including keynoters: Chairwoman Ramirez at the FTC, Meredith Fuchs, at the CFPB, and Ralph Nader, in addition to the many who traveled from around the country for making the Making the Fine Print Fair…
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